Monday 27 August 2007

Ralph O'James-Acock

Born:- Ah well. Not too sure. I was adopted on 19 February 05 and I was either 2 or 3 years old then. Me birthday (according to me humans) is now 19 February so I am now either 5 or 6.
Favourite Food:- TOAST (with marmite or marmalade); POTATOES (but only with butter and tarragon); CHOCOLATE (but I'm not allowed); GRASS (NO! the stuff from the garden!!); DOG TREATS (top shelf in the kitchen); DAMSONS AND STRAWBERRIES (but only ones I steal from the garden); CRISPS (Walkers plain are the best; and STUFF I CAN LICK OUT FROM OVEN DISHES (I'm not allowed to lick plates)
Favourite Drink:- WATER (but my favourite is in my garden bowl that has rainwater in it
Favourite Places:- My bed, my own sofa, my padded thing under the radiator in the lounge, Bromyard Downs (for some social intercourse), the garden (if I want to feel important), The Falcon Hotel in Bromyard (because they're dog friendly, have an open fire and carpet, and always say hello to me and ignore me parents). I also like the back of the car. I prefer me Muther's coz she's got air conditioning and it's an estate car and the whole of the back is mine and I can laugh at dogs who have that tiny cramped bit at the very back of the car.
Dislikes:- Having a bath and being forced out in the rain for a pee.
Favourite People:- Me Muther coz she's the pack leader and feeds me and me Dad coz he takes me for long walks.
Least Favourite People:- The Vet and the dustbin men.
Things I Have Learned Since Being Rescued/Adopted:- The washing machine, the vacuum cleaner and fireworks will not kill you. During thunder and lightening storms, the humans need me upstairs in their bedroom to give them moral support. The humans don't like me peeing in the house or on other people's furniture.
I still miss the freedom of the streets sometimes, but guess there are advantages of being adopted.
Finally, I was right about the vet and the dustbin men - they are NOT to be trusted.



Ralph said...

I need to sort out the time thing. Even though I know I'm Irish I can tell the time and it is now 11.34 - not what it says under this reply. Also the humans were a bit cross that I didn't tell them you could find out more on


Anonymous said...

Sorted the time thing out.

Was meant to be performing at the Dogs Trust (Evesham) Open Day and Dog Show today but me Father's not too well so me Mother and I are staying home to look after him. Apologies to the Dogs Trust for deprivin' dem of me presence. To be honest with you, it's good news for de odder dogs coz I win prizes wherever I go!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ralph,
My name is Nilly (well that's what I'm called when I am good), get called other things when I run away. I don't really run away, I just go to have a look!
Anyway me dad told me about your blog and said I should write to you, but you probably won't read it until he return your mum's computer (no he hasn't stolen it, he's repairing it).
By the way, I'm a girl dog, a lurcher I think with a bit of Irish wolfhound, not sure which bit! So, top of the morning to ya and all that.
Love, Nilly.

Anonymous said...

Nilly, Nilly, Nilly

You're me first four legged reply.
I get called other things apart from Ralph. It's confusin' isn't it. One of me name's is FAP which stands for Fat Ar...d P...y. another is Snorer James. I think it's because I sing beautifully like Norah Jones but I only get called it when I snore loudly. Who knows.
I know what you mean about the running away thing. I like wandering about too - especially when there's a trail to follow.
I'm using me Dad's old computer at the moment coz me Muther said hers was in hospital. I've met yer Farder, Nilly. His 4x4 smelt brilliant. Took me ages to check it out.
I was most excited to find out you're a girl. Would yer parents be bringin' you round to visit?
I hope so.
AND a bit of Irish in yer. Oh be gad it would be great to swap stories in our own language.

Top o the morning dear girl.

Love Ralph

Anonymous said...

Top of the afternoon to ya Ralph!
Ask your mum to reply to my dads e-mail, if she got it that is.
He will bring me in the 4X4 next time he comes, but there's a small problem with it at the moment, he says the passenger door don't close properly. That don't bother me though coz I can get in through the back.
Anyway, 'twas nice to hear from you, me dad says you go walking on the Downs, that's not far from the horses, might see you there sometime.
Love, Nilly!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Herro Ralph. my name ees Max and I Lhasa Apso from Tibet (well, dat where breed fwom but you get idea).
I live wiv Rob & Lou. I call Rob master as he pack leader, he take me on lots walks. Mistress do too and does my hair :-) Master say dat one day I come to visit you in Bwomyard as master is brother of your Muther, you dig? (Actually I hear you do, in garden office).
I look forward to meeting you soon so we can run in garden togevver or maybe even the myfical Bwomyard Downs.
I send you warm Lhasa karma my fwend.


Anonymous said...

Max dear boy
How wonderful to hear from you.
Another foreigner too!!
I would like to invite you for a meeting in me garden o'ffice.
Your muther and yer master were visiting the grandmuthers yesterday and I must say I love yer muther. Yer master is me Uncle Rob so that must mean we're related.
I notice you're from Tibet.
Do you meditate and put your paws in funny places, Max?
I meditate but it's Irish Meditation which means it's horizontal with me legs and paws where there would be if I was upright. D'ya oonderstand Max.
Oym looking forward to meeting that Nilly. D'ya have a girlfriend Max?
I'm in love with an Afghan girlie I meet on dem dere Bromyard O'Downs but she thinks I'm common and ignores me.

Top o de mornin' to yus matey.


Anonymous said...

Ah, Herro again Ralph.

It good to hear from you and I accept your gwacious invitation. I sort out master's diawy for him and get back to you. In answer to your question on meditation I do practice Tae Kwon Dog, Ju Shitsu and Doga.
I no have girlfwiend at moment, I fink I was a bit loud the last Westy lady I talk to, maybe language barrier but she no impressed. Never mind say master, rejection build character and he say he maybe wouldn't try and bite neck next time eever.
Lhasa karma fwend

Anonymous said...

Now then
I may be from Ireland but I know stuff.
Three dogs have emailed me Muther to say they tink this is one of doze member things.
Here's the ting.....
Leave your comment and below where it says choose an identity just put the little dot in Other.
Then publish your comment.
For feck's sake it's simple.

I've got to go now - the pack leader says it's tea time.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Ralphie - (hope you don't mind the intimacy but I feel I know you already having read your letters....)it's Laska & Teddy here (more likely me, Laska, 'cos Ted is a bit thick and can't write very well, he's got really fat paws, hopeless on the keyboard) and we were just having a comfy snooze when mum & dad suddenly started laughing at this stupid machine and then had to go to the loo very quickly saying some rubbish like "laughter is so good for people after a stressful day"..and then we were pushed into writing this blog! This stupid screen-thing really seems to grab people, they spend hours staring at it and sometimes we get our supper late because they are tapping away. Getting priorities right is what I am interested in!
Am sure you would agree. In fact, Ralph, I think we agree on many important things. I'm sorry to say we are not Irish but our hearts are in the right place, dear boy, as we have Irish relations and they ADORE us! BTW, I am a very gorgeous GSD girl - I know I say it myself but I am much admired and would you believe, Ralph, much loved in spite of being a dog that people stupidly fear. Like you, I had a chequered (big word there, Ralph!) start in life beginning in Brum (not a nice place..)with a doctor who loved me madly but after his wife left him after 35 years, I got fed up sitting in his car waiting for him to finish surgery and chewed up his gear stick(apparently these things make cars go) so he gave me away to an old lady in Leominster. She loved me too but I pulled her over one day and she broke her hip. I never meant to harm her but I was young and full of energy (you know how that can feel)and because she was already ill, her fall caused her ultimate death. (You will notice that I am very educated - I think your muther used to have poodles(shudder), mum sez that they are the MOST INTELLIGENT of all dogs followed by BORDER COLLIES (yuck) and then GSD's!! Thats ME, OK!! Anyway, mum rescued me from a kennel where I had been for 6 long weeks with NO HOPE and was I glad to hit Kinton Farm even though I couldn't have things all my way. This fat, woolly puppy (Teddy)was lounging about but actually we are great mates and even though I think he is thick, he did manage to scrape through his Gold last month after 5 years of Dog Training! And he needs a mother sometimes 'cos he gets lost on walks and needs to be counted in. I always count people in my group and check that they are doing things right. I have to say that dad- who thought mum had gone mad when I arrived here - is the true love of my life and mum thinks I am very politic to choose the RIGHT PERSON to love. But we girls are nothing if not subtle (funny spelling, there, Ralph, but 'spect you'll understand).
Dad has started sighing so I know he is hungry and supper for them is probably burnt by now but hey - who cares - my tea was on time today!
Look forward to hearing from you, Ralphie, great to know you and top of the evenin' (sorry if me Orish isn't too good)and am sure Ted sends you his stump wags from the depths of the sofa (oh yes, we have trouble too with sofa covers, mum had to buy another sofa to accommodate us all...)
Love (a bit bold really!)Laska & Ted xx
PS Ted is Bouvier des Flandres - sounds grand but he is only a dog for rounding up cows and carting, very common.....

Anonymous said...

Laska - you've made me feckin day! It's made up for that Afghan who always ignores me.
Teddy does sound a bit thick so he's lucky to have you to help with things like blogging and stuff. Me grandmuthers dog is a Great Dane....oh deary me...would probably make Teddy look like a member of MENSA (now THERE's an intelligent word).
I noticed you said "energetic". I don't do energetic very often. Me humans throw tennis balls for me and I just think "Why"? I just tell them "You threw it - you go fetch it". I think getting physical and over excited is so undignified (another big word).
6 weeks in the home, Laska. That's bad. I was very lucky, I'd only been in mine for a couple of weeks. I'd switched off, Laska. I'm sure you know what I mean. Tank de Lord that me Muther knew I was a real person coz I must have looked dead to people who don't know.
Now then - sofas. Me humans have only got one and when they have visitors they take MY cover off it and put a posh human cover on it. I don't like it, Laska. I sulk a lot and draw attention to misself.
I get called lots of names, too.
One is FAP which the humans find very funny. I asked one of me mates on the Bromyard Downs who is from Ireland (Irish Wolfhound) and he said it stands for "Fat Arsed Paddy" which I think is a bit hurtful. Still... they do feed me so I ignore it.
We're off shopping now and they need me to look after the car.
Love (oh bejeesus!)

Anonymous said...

Oi - Ralph - Ted here or if you want to be formal, you can call me SIR Marquant Zephaniah. Dam fool stuff, mum said Zephaniah was the Dark Profit/Profet/Prophet (can't spell..)but it's all gooblydegook to me. Don't think much of FAP, that's the Bottoms. Do you think sulking is enough of a ripost, I wonder? Maybe a sharp nip on the ankle would sort out the rubbish? Or a bite on the bum, even? You won't believe what mum calls me - I hardly dare tell you but it makes me feel I'm about 2, she calls me "Teddykins"!! So, what do you think of that? Doesn't she realise I've got the thickest legs of all dogs and can round up a herd of cows in a twinkling?
Which brings me to the next point. I gather Laska has been spreading rumours about me being thick? I'd just like you to know that when she goes off after deer, I always head them off (even if I haven't seen any) by running on to place myself where I know they should break cover (but they usually don't). I just get tired, that's all and have to sit down for a rest. You don't do energetic either, so will understand what I am saying. And yes, my life does revolve round the sofa a bit, I have a particular place and it really annoys me when Dad thinks he should sit there instead of me. I have a special deep growl which I keep for these occasions and make myself known. Why not? I look after these old buggers (pardon my Waloon)so deserve a proper resting place.
Anyway, Laska is a smelly old trollope and she needs drugs to stop her leaky bladder (mum says lost of ladies have that problem so I should be sympathetic)but I am pretty alright really so think I have the upper hand. You are lucky not to have to bother with any others of our kind which means you get all the attention - I hate sharing and have found a sharp bark an effective way of making my point.
I'll tell you something, Ralph. There is one thing I can't stand and that is Hot Air Balloons. If they go over our garden, I do my spoecial bark and the whole village can hear and fortunately it works brilliantly as they all go away, same thing with the postman. I gather you have similar problems. Laska, the poor old fool (she is older than me!) makes a complete idiot of herself with the postman, all kissin' and lovey dovey rubbish but they need to be seen off, in my opinion.
Had any good rabbits recently? I caught one the other day and ate the lot, it was in our garden and I don't go a bunch on that sort of trespassing. Laska found it but she makes such a blinkin' racket in her excitment that the stupid thing runs off but I am very tenacious (gosh - that's big word, have I spelt it right?)and kept up the hunt till I got it. Anyway, mum said I was very good even though she disappeared rather quickly when I started playing with it just before I bit it's head of. I've also had some good pheasants but that's not really allowed unless they are in the garden - mum says I'll get shot if I'm caught.
So who says I'm thick? Honestly, Ralph, life just isn't fair.
Time for me last pee and bed, everybody is yawning! I've got two beds, one upstairs next to dad and one under mum's desk,I like that one best as I can snore without anyone yelling at me.
See ya, Ralph, old chap.

Anonymous said...

Ted, dear boy. Good to hear from yus. I can tell from yer o'blog that you're not thick. Laska must have been referring to your legs.

Me heart wept when I read the bit about you being called Teddykins sometimes. I get called Ralphy Palphy occasionally and I don't like it Ted. Why do the humans go all silly sometimes. My muthers last dog was a Standard Poodle and, apparently, very affectionate. Me Muther keeps trying to pursuade me to be sloppy. I don't like it Ted. Sometimes she gets on MY sofa and tries to snog me. I'm not havin' it Ted. I don't growl or anything. Sometimes I just try to pull my head away and sometimes I just go all stiff and wait till it's all over. Humans eh?

I was a bit upset about the details of Laska's bladder. I was beginning to think I might fancy her a bit.. Talkin' of bladders, when me Muther has a giggling fit she sometimes says to me Dad "Oooh dear I've just had a Tena Lady moment". You're a man of the world, Ted. Any idea what this means?

Hot Air Balloons eh?
Don't have them.
I have aeroplane practise here.
I bark at them if they invade my airspace...well you do, don't you.
I don't have rabbits either. They sound fun. I have squirrels. Me parents don't like 'em. Me Muther calls them feckin squirrels. They pinch the bird food and used to live in the lean to roof over the kitchen. I try to get them in the morning but me Muther says I'm rubbish coz I follow their scent instead of usin' me eyes to see where they are. What does SHE know about being a hound for feck's sake?

I'm suffering with SAD today, Ted. It's only a matter of time that me humans make me go outside for a pee. I KNOW when I need a pee, Ted - not them. It's raining. I DON'T need a pee. QED.


Anonymous said...

Don't be put off, Ralph, by Laska's bladder, mum sez it's all under control and I have to admit that she is a complete trollope (not mum!) so you could have a good look-in there, old chap -you're very welcome to give it a go. Actually, she is rather beautiful I suppose, if you like that sort of thing but being middle aged, is a bit on the solid side. But she does ball chasing and that won't interest you.
Do you know - I think Ralphy Palphy is far worse than Teddykins - what is your muther thinking of? Standard poodles perhaps?
Just off to look for some good shoes to steal, Laska is lying out in the rain but I feel a bit of leather chewing coming on!
Tail up, Ralph, old chap!

Anonymous said...

Laska is lying out in the rain?
Oh bejeesus that worries me more than the other problem. Why is she lying out in the rain? I hate the stuff. It's been raining nearly all day here. I've got me SAD syndrome really bad today, matey. Highlight of me day was going shoppin' with me parents and staying in the car.

I gather we're going to meet. Good. I don't do trouble, Ted.

Top o the mornin'

Anonymous said...

Ah, herro, it Max here.
ralph, don't be SAD, I know of this condition and find barking a good solution. For no weason, jus bark and gain your master's attention and magically you get chew or walk.
Master say you are afflicted wiv screensaver mode too, nuthing wrong wiv gavering your foughts and composing yourself my fwend, just not in fireplace yeah? it too hot and dangerous.
I come over soon to play and fink you find running around garden being barked at will cheer you up.
Kind foughts fwend.
Hi to Laska and Teddy too.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ralphie - just wanted to explain the rain-thing as I am not as mad as you think. Firstly, I have a very thick coat (I said COAT, not brain!)and have never in my life been subjected to bathing so by lying out in the rain, some of the gubbins from my walks gets washed off and it makes my coat all shiny. Normally, I have to stand under the hose but mum forgot to wash me yesterday and we had a very muddy long walk in the woods in the rain! Teddy just shakes all his rubbish about in the wash kitchen and ALSO, he has to go to the pouffy poodle parlour every 10 weeks to have a proper bath which he HATES and is always very naughty about. I know when he is going 'cos mum only calls him to get in the car with his short lead and I stay wiv dad. I have a really good laugh when he gets back, he smells of perfume!!! and mum kisses him a lot and gives him hugs.
So there are advantages to rain, Ralph and you shouldn't let it get you down. Do you like snow perhaps? We love it and I always roll in it - hope we have some this year.
Anyway, if you are suffering from SAD, perhaps these cheerful blogs will raise your spirits - looking forward to meeting you.
Hi to Max too, you are right, Max, barking always get rewarded in this house too - mum sez crime pays!
Love Laska
PS We have already had one walk today but dad has a poorly knee and needs to exercise it so we are going up the hill now to chase some rabbits and maybe another deer, but we are not allowed to even look at the sheep - once, I jumped a fence to round up a flock and suffered 5 years of dog training as a result! Never mind - I've got me Gold and am really very well behaved!

Anonymous said...

Ah Max

Glad you understand the screen saver thing. I've been on screen saver for two days. Today I am very happy. The sun is shining. Me Farder is just doing stuff called pointing. Now I thought that was something that gun dogs did but apparently it involves filling in holes in bricks with something that I can't eat. He says it's like painting the fourth bridge. Who paints the First, Second and Third bridge?
I like your Mother, Max. Will you be bringing her as well when me muther and you have their annual wake?
I'm from Ireland so I like wakes, Max. Have you been to one? The humans light a bonfire in the garden and drink a lot and remember dead people. It's a good crack, matey.

Going to reply to Laska now and then might do some damson picking and then look grand on the patio.


Anonymous said...

Nice lady

I was quite distressed with your blog. All this talk of baths and hoses and rain. I don't like any of them Laska. I know what a hose is because me muther uses the thing in the garden. If it's for the plants why does she chase me with it... I'm not a feckin' plant. She thinks it's funny. It's not. PERFUME. Don't even go there. There's a nasty plastic bag in the hall called "Ralph's bag". It's a nasty thing, Laska. It's got brushes and scizzors and nail clippers AND something called dog De O'derant in a can. I can hear the rustle of it Laska and I'm off I can tell you.

Snow. Yes I like the stuff. It's more difficult to smell things through it but a good laugh.

I've not really enjoyed the last two days, Laska. Me humans went out for an Indian (??? why don't humans go out for an Irish?). Anyway, I ate a pencil accidentally and me Muther was a bit cross. When I hear the words "What's This" I know it's time for me to go to my bed and look sad and contrite (big word there Ted?!).
On a brighter note, me granmuther came round yesterday with a little present for me from France. It was a whole packet of dental chews. They are supposed to last for AGES. Mine didn't. Was I doing it wrong?
I love me grandmuther but me muther did put the human cover on MY sofa. I don't like that Laska.

I'm off damson picking now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ralph, old mate - how are you today? Feeling more cheerful, 'praps?
I must tell you 'bout my 'citment yesterday, so 'cited I can hardly get the words out! I was just sitting, well - quite tightly curled akershally, on MY PLACE on the sofa, when what did I suddenly see out of the window? A HOT AIR BALLOON!! Couldn't believe me eyes. I rushed out into the garden and did my special bark - its several octaves deeper than usual, it has to be 'cos I want those hot air balloons to hear me. Horrible things they are - all hot flames and big bulges floatin' in the sky and they peer into your garden and down your chimney an' all and I barked and barked - quite useful practice, really. Mum was falling about laughing at me and that silly old fool, Laska, came shooting out and started barking as well but she does her silly, high pitched one because she didn't know why I was doin' it. The balloon didn't go away so I had to increase me sound, quite tiring reelly, and then it went into a field so it does prove its worth all the effort!
Mum'snot payin attention to this blog, shes singing some silly songs and going all feeble and shouting to dad - we must have this one and that one - I think she said it was your muther singing.....I only know 'bout dancin', I like that better than singin'.
Laska wants to have a word - don't listen to her if she says anything 'bout me.....
Tail up Ralph, it all comes right after you've had your supper!

Ralphie - Hallo!
We had a swim today - do you like swimming? I am very good at it and chase sticks and get really wet all over. After I come out, I have to play bite Ted - he is such a dolt and only wants to paddle but at least his beard gets washed. He went mad yesterday afternoon, can't think what he was barking at but mum was rushing about in the garden with some big black glasses glued to her nose and larfing at Ted.
Interesting, that damson eating thing. Don't you get the stones in your poos? I have recently got to like blackberries but hate carrots even though I eat them when they are mixed up in my tea.
We have a small person who comes to visit us sometimes - he smells the same as his dad and HE smells the same as mum and dad so he must be related. Could he be my nephew?
He sits on the floor to play with toys and one day, Ted started to nudge him a bit and do you know what he did to Ted? I was speechless/barkless because this small person grabbed hold of Teddy's beard and pulled it hard!! Ted was really shocked and disappeared into his bed. Good thing too! I spend all my time looking after this small person and give him a lot of licks. His daddy is good fun and likes to have play fights with me, he is always laughing. I like him. The snall person's mum who has lots of yellow curls, has a fat tummy. I think she may have a puppy in there. She used to be scared of me (can you imagine that?) but strokes me properly now instead of the air over my head. She even strokes Ted too.
Gotta go, Ralph, paws crossed that we'll get a lick of the plates tonight as mum has a roast in the oven!
Love Laskaxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Ted

I am most impressed with the Hot Air Balloon situation. I don't know what a hot air balloon is but is it like the aeroplanes that fly over my air space? I bark at them but they don't land in fields. You must be a dog of substance to bring these things down. Respect, mate.

So your muther has been listening to my muther singing. Oh dear. I have to listen to it all the time, Ted. I feel for you, mate.

Dancin' I don't do that, Ted. I like singing. Me muther says I sing in F whatever that means. Feckin' perhaps???? I dunno.

Laska tells me you have a beard. I have a beard, Ted. I get leaves and things stuck in it and me parents think it's very funny.

Ted - do you find that your parents find things funny that you don't think are funny?

Been out with the humans today. Me father took me for a smell and a piss on the common whilst me muther had a man do something with her back. I had a great time but me muther wanted to know why me legs were brown when we got back (they should be white apparently).

I had an exciting time before we even left. It's Monday and the feckin' dustbin men come on Monday. I don't like 'em Ted. I do a lot of barking and they are well frightened. It's rewarding.

Me tail is up Ted, me old mate.


Anonymous said...

Laska dear lady

I don't do swimming. I even jump over puddles in the drive when it's been raining. Does this mean you won't love me?

Me Muther inspects me poos from time to time (me Father just shovels it up) and she reckons that I just eat the damsons carefully and spit the stones out. Why is it so important to her? Sometimes when I have a bit of hesitation when doing poos she laughs and says "Oh he's got a damson stone stuck up his a***" I don't find that funny, Laska.

Ah - small people. I like them. I like them when they are in those things they get pushed around in because there's often bits of food stuck in there. Me Muther tells small people's parents off for not asking if I'm OK before they throw their arms around me. Why does she do that? Of course I'm OK.

I'm not allowed to lick plates at me Muther's. I'm allowed oven dishes, though. I'm allowed to do pre-wash on anything at me grandmuther's. Yesterday was good, though. I pre-washed the oven dish that had fish pie in it and they cooked an extra roastie especially for me.

Sorry to you both for being late in replying. I must explain. Me parents are a bit odd and me Muther had a late night Saturday and me Father had an early start Sunday. Me Father went to bed early. Me Muther came in at about one in the morning and did the wine and fag thing and went to bed at about 2. Me Father got up at about 4.30 in the feckin' morning. Me Muther got up as well to do that silly goodbye thing. Me Muther went back to bed and got up again later. All this stuff wakes me up, Laska, and the next day I didn't know what time it was. They're not right, Laska, but they reckon I wouldn't settle with a normal family. Me? Well I don't care really as long as I get breakfast and dinner at the same time each day.........which I do.


Anonymous said...

Ralphie - I nearly died today but I am still here and barking a bit. I nearly got strangled. I am very tired - Mum sez I am shocked.
I got a log stuck up me collar and couldn't breathe. Mum saved me but she had to have several glasses tonight as she was feeling shocked too. My tongue went blue. If I was a Chow Chow, mum sez, that would be natural but I am a Shepherdess so don't want to have a blue tongue. I have lots of sticky stuff what came out of the tree all tangled in my fur. I'm off to the sofa now. We were chasing deer - Ted was useless, he just had a look and then went off into the wood again.
Love Laskaxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Laska. Me parents were talking about you last night. Me Muther was very emotional. Now then, Laska, I watch the news and I have heard there's a disease going round called blue tongue. I hope you haven't got that, Laska.

Tell Ted that I had an exhausting day yesterday. There's a farm at the end of the lane and they were moving potatoes and cattle all day. I was very busy barking and rushing about and keeping the lorries out of me garden and makin' sure they kept going up the lane. Watched dog borstal on the telly and then went to bed and only got up briefly to do dish pre-wash.

I like your picture, Laska. I have sent you a couple of me. Me Muther says I have to have a beard, ear and leg trim before I seez ya. I won't like it Laska but I'll look a bit more attractive. I'm glad you're not an Afghan and hope you like me.

ps. If you click Other underneath here instead of Anonymous then you can put your own name in and no other details. It's more o'personal.

Anonymous said...

Hi, old mate - how you doin' today?
Well done with the dustbins, it just goes to show that you are doin' your job right! I don't let things like that bover me at all, postman comes and goes and it's only Laska as gets 'cited but she would 'cos she's like that.
Now these hot air balloon things; they are like balls in the sky with shopping bags hangin' off the bottom full of match sticks and they have flames goin' up them which makes a roar - sometimes I hear that before I can see them and yes, the get in my air space. Your're lucky not to bovered will all that, it's very hard work making them go away.
My beard is very important. We Bouviers are known as Vule Bard in Waloon/Flemish (me mother tong) which means dirty beard. So I work hard on mine; it gets really smelly and I like it when things like food get stuck in it but I also have leaves and burrs and seeds, mum sez I am a walking seed packet.
When I go to the poodle parlour, Ali my groomer always trims it but last time she cut off quite a lot which made me a bit cross. I have to have my ears plucked too and that makes me squeal. Mum doesn't like that bit and looks the other way.
We loved your pictures and had a good look; we was surprised to see you have feathers thinking you was reely a flat coated sort of person.
You look quite cuddley, Ralph, but don't worry - I won't cuddle you!
Bye for now
PS Laska is better today but mum kept a grip of her on our walk and made her chase sticks all the time so she wouldn't be looking for deer. She did find some squirrels, though!

Anonymous said...

Dear all

It's wearing me out scrollin' down so far each time. I'm going to start another thread. I have the title already!

See you there.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ted and Laska,
They seem to have put the Anonymous thing back. It'd be good to hear from you.

Love Ralph